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God Loves Me
Holding Fast the Faithful Word
The Missing Ingredient
Prosperity and Financial Giving
Songs of Deliverance
Words We Think We Understand

God Loves Me 

I Need a Savior Because of What Happened in the Beginning

by Amy Meland

God Loves Me
God Loves Me
A children’s book, in four parts, simply covering the truths in the opening chapters of Genesis. The focus is especially on God’s love for man and the sin that first separated them. God’s incredible promise to send a Savior to pay for that sin and reconcile man back to Himself concludes the book.

Price: $15.00



Holding Fast the Faithful Word

by Tom Burke

Holding Fast the Faithful Word
Holding Fast the Faithful Word
A series of short studies on various Scriptural topics.

Price: $10.00



The Missing Ingredient

by Tom Burke

The Missing Ingredient
The Missing Ingredient
A series of short studies on the necessity of right doctrine in every Christian’s life.

Price: $10.00



Prosperity and Financial Giving

by Mike Clark

Prosperity and Financial Giving
Prosperity and Financial Giving
This book shows the patterns the author has found throughout the whole Bible on the subject of prosperity and financial giving. Large portions of scripture rather than a few isolated verses have been provided so the reader will be able to see these same patterns develop from the whole of God’s Word. The topic is not exhausted in this book, but the reader will be able to have a solid foundation on which to build a true understanding of prosperity and the importance of financial giving.

Price: $10.00



Songs of Deliverance

by Scriptural Study Groups

Songs of Deliverance
Songs of Deliverance
Songbook used by Scriptural Study Groups containing the lyrics for 180 hymns, choruses, and children's songs.

Price: $6.00



Words We Think We Understand

by Tom Burke and David Pimental

Words We Think We Understand
Words We Think We Understand
In reading the King James Version, it is relatively easy to spot archaic words. However, there is another category of words, those which have undergone “meaning shift”, i.e. words which are still in use today with meanings that can differ slightly or radically from their meanings in 1611. This short book documents some of the most notable instances of meaning shift.

Price: $6.00